2023, 10th World Health Industry Conference - Schedule

1.Opening ceremony of the 10th World Health Industry Conference and the 30th China Health Expo
5月27日 May 27th
12:00-17:00 参会代表注册报到 Registration 18:00-21:00 贵宾接待晚宴(定向邀约)VIP reception dinner
5月28日上午 May 28th am
08:00-09:00 领导接见(定向邀请,与会国家领导人、部委领导会见部分参会代表) Leadership interview (directional invitation, leaders of participating countries and ministries meet with some representatives)
09:00-09:30 开幕式:国家领导人致辞、主办单位领导致辞、启动仪式 Opening ceremony: speech by national leaders, speech by leaders of the host unit, and launching ceremony
09:30-12:00 第十届世界健康产业大会主旨论坛 Keynote Forum of the 10th World Health Industry Conference
院士主旨演讲:大健康产业国际创新合作新思路 Academician Keynote Speech: New Ideas for International Innovation Cooperation in the Big Health Industry
Academician Keynote Speech: Ecological Habitat and Environmental Health 院士主旨演讲:生态健康和居民健康
Academician keynote speech: promoting the integration of the big health industry and rural revitalization industry
Special Report: Our Decade, "World Health Association" Decade Review and Outlook 专题报告:我们这十年,“世健会”十年回顾与展望
"The Belt and Road" Health Industry Forum “一带一路”健康产业论坛
Roundtable Dialogue of Top 500 Enterprises
12:00-13:00 闭门午餐会(定向邀请) Lunch
5月28日下午 May 28th pm 14:00-18:00 第十届世界健康产业大会-专题论坛 The 10th World Health Industry Congress - Special Forum
Health Industry Int'l Exchange Dinner and 10th Anniversary Celebration of the World Health Association
Pharmaceutical Industry Internationalization Forum 医药产业国际化论坛
Dialogue on International Cooperation in the Medical Device Industry 医疗器械行业专题论坛
Health Service Management Innovation and Development Forum 健康服务管理创新发展论坛
Ecological Health Industry Forum 生态健康产业论坛
Traditional Chinese Medicine Heritage Development and Open Innovation Forum 中医药传承发展与开放创新论坛
Advantage project promotion meeting 优势项目推介会
18:30-21:30 健康产业国际交流晚宴暨世健会十周年庆典
2023 WHIC Advantage Project/Product Launch Ceremony" 2023 WHIC “2023WHIC优势项目/产品发布仪式”
Health Tourism Industry Forum 康养旅游产业论坛
5月29日全天 May 29th (自主参加展览及平行分论坛) Independent participation in exhibitions and parallel sub forums
平行论坛议程请向组委会索取 Please request the agenda of the parallel forum from the organizing committee
1. Opening Day Activities of the 30th China International Health Industry Expo
2. 2023 International Medical Device Industry Development Forum
3. Smart Health Summit Forum 3.
4. Regional Brand Building and Innovation Development Forum
5. Hydrogen and Health Industry Development Forum
6. Health "Oil" You Are Popular on the Website Live Broadcast and Goods Festival
7. High end healthy drinking water industry development forum
8. Health Advantage Technology (Product) National Promotion Project Press Conference
9. New Product Press Conference
10. Brand project promotion meeting
1.Opening ceremony of the 10th World Health Industry Conference and the 30th China Health Expo
5月27日 May 27th
12:00-17:00 参会代表注册报到 Registration 18:00-21:00 贵宾接待晚宴(定向邀约)VIP reception dinner
5月28日上午 May 28th am
08:00-09:00 领导接见(定向邀请,与会国家领导人、部委领导会见部分参会代表) Leadership interview (directional invitation, leaders of participating countries and ministries meet with some representatives)
09:00-09:30 开幕式:国家领导人致辞、主办单位领导致辞、启动仪式 Opening ceremony: speech by national leaders, speech by leaders of the host unit, and launching ceremony
09:30-12:00 第十届世界健康产业大会主旨论坛 Keynote Forum of the 10th World Health Industry Conference
院士主旨演讲:大健康产业国际创新合作新思路 Academician Keynote Speech: New Ideas for International Innovation Cooperation in the Big Health Industry
Academician Keynote Speech: Ecological Habitat and Environmental Health 院士主旨演讲:生态健康和居民健康
Academician keynote speech: promoting the integration of the big health industry and rural revitalization industry
Special Report: Our Decade, "World Health Association" Decade Review and Outlook 专题报告:我们这十年,“世健会”十年回顾与展望
"The Belt and Road" Health Industry Forum “一带一路”健康产业论坛
Roundtable Dialogue of Top 500 Enterprises
12:00-13:00 闭门午餐会(定向邀请) Lunch
5月28日下午 May 28th pm 14:00-18:00 第十届世界健康产业大会-专题论坛 The 10th World Health Industry Congress - Special Forum
Health Industry Int'l Exchange Dinner and 10th Anniversary Celebration of the World Health Association
Pharmaceutical Industry Internationalization Forum 医药产业国际化论坛
Dialogue on International Cooperation in the Medical Device Industry 医疗器械行业专题论坛
Health Service Management Innovation and Development Forum 健康服务管理创新发展论坛
Ecological Health Industry Forum 生态健康产业论坛
Traditional Chinese Medicine Heritage Development and Open Innovation Forum 中医药传承发展与开放创新论坛
Advantage project promotion meeting 优势项目推介会
18:30-21:30 健康产业国际交流晚宴暨世健会十周年庆典
2023 WHIC Advantage Project/Product Launch Ceremony" 2023 WHIC “2023WHIC优势项目/产品发布仪式”
Health Tourism Industry Forum 康养旅游产业论坛
5月29日全天 May 29th (自主参加展览及平行分论坛) Independent participation in exhibitions and parallel sub forums
平行论坛议程请向组委会索取 Please request the agenda of the parallel forum from the organizing committee
1. Opening Day Activities of the 30th China International Health Industry Expo
2. 2023 International Medical Device Industry Development Forum
3. Smart Health Summit Forum 3.
4. Regional Brand Building and Innovation Development Forum
5. Hydrogen and Health Industry Development Forum
6. Health "Oil" You Are Popular on the Website Live Broadcast and Goods Festival
7. High end healthy drinking water industry development forum
8. Health Advantage Technology (Product) National Promotion Project Press Conference
9. New Product Press Conference
10. Brand project promotion meeting